So how do we get out of "How, When?" and walk into "Now Then"?
We have to start by letting go of the things that are causing us to lose heart that comes from over thinking on something. Not once in the bible does God say, worry about how you will talk to those people and make sure you know everything there is to know before you begin. Rather he says, " Do not worry, I have already prepared the way for you. Everything you need is already yours." God knows that on our own, we are incapable of doing any good for the kingdom. Only when we walk in his power and in his strength and might will things happen through us. Not to say that we will be perfect Christians or that every casual salvation will lead to salvation. What I am saying is that through God's strength, we become his vessels that he uses to reach the areas of life he has placed each and everyone of us in for his purpose. We must get out of this rut in which we do nothing because of worrying about the How, rather than walking in the Now. God's grace and mercies are new everyday, so why are we so bent out of shape wondering how we can be effective instead of declare what God has already done for us, so Now Then, we move ahead knowing God has already prepared us for each moment, even ones we don't realize are already in the works.
I don't want to fall behind in terms of God's plan and purpose because I am so caught up in he details, but rather I want to dive head first into the now, not worrying about if God will show, but rather the impact that will arise when He does.
Our world is so focused on How to provide for earthly needs and cannot grasp the concept of trusting God with everything. Not a few things, or most things, but all things. God says to trust Him with the big and with the little and everything in between. We can't walk in the now, if we are so caught up in the how.
God doesn't want half-hearted Christians who are not willing to step out of their respective box outside of Sunday or Wednesday. He wants Now Christians who aren't afraid to say," Here I am God, Send Me. No matter the place, no matter the time, I want to walk down the path that you have placed before me without any doubt of the details. Move me from How, When into Now Then through your promise and through your Son".
Let us make this our Declaration to God. Let us move out of ourselves and move into the generation of believers who are ready to go when God says,"Now".
Adam Semple- a young man on a mission from God
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