Victory over Defeat
In this day and age, Satan is on a mission to completely discourage the youth of our generation. The reason for this, is that in the final days, The word of God says that he will pour out his spirit on all flesh. The youth will be the ones who see visions and prophecy. Satan is not all knowing or all powerful in anyway, yet he knows that something is brewing in the heavens, and he is shaking in his boots. So he is doing everything he can do to discourage and distract us from staying on the path God has laid out before us. One of his tricks that he uses is the spirit of defeat. When something does not go exactly as we had planned or hoped, he holds it over our heads and declares to us that we must have messed up big time and there is no hope for us. For a large majority of us, myself included, these words can take a huge toll on our lives. We begin to think back to everything leading up to that point and wonder if we did something wrong. Satan knows that once we feel we are no longer good enough to follow down God's plan, it will be so much easier for stray from the path and fall into a spiritual rut that can be hard to get out of. During these times, we have to remember that God has already defeated the devil, and he is simply fighting a losing battle, trying to bring down with him as many people as possible. Recently, I have been in this state of defeat. A couple weeks back, I was preparing to go into the next stage of my walk with God. I was excited and ready, but it was not where God planned for me to be in this season of life. I could not understand why God shut the door on me right at the last minute, and I had this sense that I had messed up. Maybe I had not being praying hard enough or didn't believe he would come through for me as he has done in the past. But over the past few weeks, God has been dealing with me, assuring me that he has something better for me, and I can't spiritually move forward if I continue to dwell on the past. The other day, there was a guest speaker at our youth service. After the service, a couple of the leaders prayed over me and they all prayed the same basic prayer. They all assured me that those I may not see what God is doing at this moment, I need no longer to carry around this spirit of defeat that has tied me down for too long. Just because things did not turn out as expected, it was not due to a mess up or a wrong step, it was just a God-shift of my focus from one path to another. Right now, I still don't know where that path will lead me, but I am not going to continue to declare that I am not good enough or that I will always stay in this rut. God has not spoken promises over me for me to just lay in in trench complaining. But rather he has placed those things in me to give me the strength to stand up and spiritually climb the mountain that is before me. Satan does everything he knows to do to keep us in the valley, because he knows that once we hit the mountain peak, that is where change takes place, and he no longer has control over the situation, (especially since he never had it in the first place). From this moment on, I am deciding that I will declare victory over my life rather than defeat. My king has already won, and there is nothing that the devil can do to stop him. I choose to walk down God's path for me, rather than wallow in my our self-pity. For that will only stop the spiritual growth trying to take place in my life and I will never get to the place God wants me to be.
"No, in all these things, we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS through him who loved us".- Romans 8:37. Let us never forget that as we break away from the spirit of defeat and walk into the spirit of triumphant victory.
Adam Semple- a young man on a mission from God
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