Storms come in all types and in many different styles. However a storm comes, depending on the severity of the storm, damage is sure to ensue. But just because there is a storm surrounding you, it does not mean they have to overtake you. Many times in scripture, the heroes are surrounded on all sides by a fierce storm, and yet they come out the other side unharmed from the effects. Some examples of this include the times at sea with the disciples. There were several occurrences when the disciples were in a boat, and they came upon a great storm that made them fear for their lives. But each time, Jesus was there to rescue them. In one circumstance, Jesus was sleeping on the boat when the storm began. After panic arose from his followers, he was awoken from his slumber and the disciples were afraid they would drown. Jesus replies to them and says, "O, You of little faith." He then proceeds to calm the waters and the storm recedes. Everyone on board remarked that he must indeed be the Son of God. A few chapters later, Jesus has just fed the 5000 men plus women and children. He tells the disciples to get into a boat, for he was going up onto the mountain top to pray. At dawn on the next day, when the boat is already far out past land, another storm, not as big as the former, but a storm nonetheless, begins to rock the boat. The disciples look toward land and see a man, Jesus, walking on the water. Naturally, it terrifies them and they assume it is a ghost. But Jesus calms their fear and tells them it is He, and Peter then walks out on the water toward Jesus. But then, the wind picks up, the waves begin to rise, and so does the fear back into Peter's heart. He loses his focus on Jesus and begins to sink. He cries out for Jesus to save him and together they walk back to the boat. Again, Jesus says,"O, You of little Faith. Why did you doubt?" He calms the storm again and they return to land on the other side. In both of these occurrences, the disciples let the storms around them pierce through their faith, and panicked. Even when Jesus was right there the whole time, they doubted that they would come out of it alive.
Have things like these ever happen to you? When storms arise, how have you handled the situation? Storms in life are going to come. When they do, God is seeing how far we trust him and how big our faith in him is. The storms that arise will not always have the same outcome though. Not every storm will secede once we call for help. At times, God is trying to tell us that he will keep us safe in the storm, and he can't do that if the winds die down at the the first help cry. After some storms, we might come out a little scratched up or bruised, but we will be alive. Take the shipwreck that happened to Paul. The boat got too close to land and was completely destroyed, yet every person aboard, both slave and crewman, made it to land safely.
"And I will praise you in this storm, and I will lift my hands, You are who you are, No matter where I am, And every tear I cried, You hold in your hand, You never left my side, And though my heart is torn, I will praise you in this storm"-Casting Crowns, "Praise You In This Storm"
Adam Semple- A Young Man on a Mission
*Photo from globe-net.com
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