From the smallest seed to the biggest oak, trees come in all shapes and sizes. Some are as tall as skyscrapers, and others are barely big enough to hid in. No matter the size or the shape, all trees serve a purpose. Whether it is to give us nourishment or air to breathe, trees are not here by accident. God did not drop a seed in the ground unintentionally and it suddenly sprouted into something bigger. He created seeds to grow beyond their original design. Christians are meant to be the same way. My brother has stated that in order for a plant to reproduce, it must have a seed that comes out of it. Without this seed, the plant will eventually become a thing long forgotten and we will no longer have them on the earth. Imagine if every Christian journeyed through life without ever sharing the gospel. There would be no more seeds planted in people's hearts that would grow into men and women of God. What would happen to our world if everyone stayed in his own little bubble, never reaching out to anybody? Christianity would soon become a thing of the past and the kingdom of heaven would become emptier with every passing year. it does not take much to plant a seed in a person's life. It starts by simply nurturing the ground and giving time to a person. Spiritual seeds are not always planted by a scripture message preached on a Sunday morning. In most cases, these seeds are planted by simple acts of connection, walking out our walk with God in front of others. Sometimes, by seeing how a Christian acts and reacts to situations around them, this shows people the amazing life we get to walk in. They see that though things crash around us, we can still stand strong. Like a tree during a storm, when the winds blow in, unless the roots are firmly planted, the tree comes crashing down. Only when its roots grip deep into the soil does the tree stand firm, not wavering in its position. This is how God wants each of us to be. As we dive deeper into him, we plant our roots in good soil and they grow firmly into the solid rock of the Father. Then when Satan's attacks come against us, we do not sway from our path.
I have heard it said that from the smallest seeds can produce the largest trees. I say this because you may think you are insignificant to the kingdom of God, yet God wants to use you to become a mighty oak tree. In Psalms 1:3 it says," He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper"- nkjv. Lets break down this verse a little. A tree planted by the waters that brings forth fruit. God of course is the rivers of water, and when we are planted close to the father, our tree will bear much good fruit. Whose leaf will not wither and whatever he does will prosper. When we stay planted in the Father, we will not be like a tree that dies in winter, but all through the year, we will be evergreen, forever bearing fruit. Whenever we set out to accomplish something, if our roots are solid in God, we will prosper for his sake.
Plant yourself as close to the waters as you possibly fail, and you will stand strong when life's storms strike around you.
Adam Semple- a young man on a mission from God
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