Pulp free; high pulp; with mango. Though our taste preferences differ, most of us enjoy a nice glass of orange juice to start or end our day. Written on the label of almost every kind of Orange juice is a small warning. "Shake well, settling is natural." It is easy to see why this label is there. After time, the pulp some of you love in your OJ, has all drifted down to the bottom of the bottle. In order to get the great taste you enjoy, you have to give that container a good shaking. Here is a news flash for you; even as Christians, we all need to be shook up from time to time. As we journey down this path called life, it is not uncommon for us to settle. All of our zest has collected at the bottom and we are just a watered-down rembrandt of what we should be. At one time, we had the taste of an on-fire-for-God-Christian, but now, nothing. In our hearts, we know we are saved, we know who we are, but on the outside, everyone can see through our personalities and see nothing but a watered down wannabe. So how do we get "shaken"? How do we go from orange water, to orange juice? It is rather simple actually. Put your hands in the Father and he will take care of the rest. Wait, is that it? That's all it takes? Yes. There is nothing that orange juice can do to itself that will ever get it back to its tasteful state. Only when it is placed in the shaker's grip does the pulp make its way to the whole substance. The fire that might have died down a little can be resurfaced in our hearts. It just takes a little shaking, but not only that, a constant shaking. We can not let ourselves become shaken, then let the pulp resettle. We need to keep our hearts in constant shaking in order to stay on fire for God. When we are on fire, people look at us and see orange juice. I want people to look at me and see God through my life, and not be diluted in my walk with God. Who's with me?
"And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness"- Acts 4:31
"The voice of the Lord shook the wilderness, the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh" Psalm 29:8
Adam Semple-A Young Man on a Mission From God
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