Saturday, November 19, 2016

Closet Christian

"Wait, you a Christian too? I had no idea."
Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens a lot. We get so comfortable in our walk with Christ that when we are around other Christians, they don't see the light of Christ in us, and and we can't see it in them either. I came to this revelation just yesterday at work. In passing conversation, my past work experience came up and my coworker realized we were both Christians, yet neither one of of us did anything to tell the other about Christ. How sad is that? It is not like we act like heathens at work, it is just that we were good people. Nothing stood out about us, so our co workers just see a good worker. Ever wonder why this is? God has done so many good things for us, yet it is almost like we are ashamed of Him. Imagine if we were back in Bible days. Jesus frees us from our bondage of sin, and we just continue in our life as if we are just good people. Where would the church be today if the newly saved believers did nothing to share the good news they had received. The church would eventually fizzle out and we would have no knowledge of the gospel. It is time to come out of our feelings and not be ashamed to share the things placed inside of us. We need to get back into being so connected to Christ that people look at us and see nothing but Jesus shining through us. I want people to look at my life and notice something different about me. Something that pushes them to be around the light. Believe me when I say this. I don't want people to see me when they should be seeing God. We all need to decrease so that God can increase in us all.

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the Salvation of everyone who believes"- Romans 1:16

"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds, and praise your Father in Heaven"- Matthew 5:16  

Adam Semple- A Young Man on a Mission From God

*photo credit-

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