Saturday, June 17, 2017

Read Me, Please!!!

You've seen this before in almost any movie. Main characters go into an old house, find the impressive library, and blow the dust of the cover of the one book that will lead them on a grand adventure. The problem is, we tend to have a book like this on our own shelves. This book is a pretty important book that is a guideline and a map for our lives to follow. It's called the Bible. Wait, what? The bible, as in the word of God, sitting on a dusty shelf with a layer of dust an inch thick. But, we are good christians, we read our bible on our phones, and we follow along with the Pastor's sermon if the media guy puts up the scripture verse. Sometimes, it is important to take that old worn out book of the shelf and give a big, "big bad wolf" blow. Not to say that God doesn't use the times spent in his words if we use the Bible app. But we need to be able to flip from chapter to chapter and bookmark certain spots that the Holy Spirit has put in our hearts. We need to pull out a legal pad, grab some highlighters and spend some serious time in prayer and reading.
I've got this desk that sits in the dining room. On it sits my Star Wars sith characters,(I have at least one of almost all of them). Unfortunately, we play a lot of games at the dining room table. With that being said, things tend to pile up on it and dust begins to collect. Eventually, I can't even use my desk because of all the mess that has accumulated. If it wasn't sitting in a spot that I saw everyday, I feel as if I would forget I even have a desk, let alone use it. I think our dusty old bibles sitting on the shelf can get the same way. We have good intentions of putting it to use, but things in life begin piling up. Th bible gets put back on the shelf and we justify it by reading a few chapters on our phone, check it off our to-do list and move on with our day. All the while the bible gathers more and more dust and our lives fall apart more and more. Eventually, the dust will be so thick, we can't even see what was supposed to be underneath it. I have to admit, I am guilty of this too. Some mornings, I barely even check the few chapters of my list before I begin my day. If I'm not careful, 3 or 4 days will go by and I try to catch up, skipping over the content in order to put a check mark by the chapter. That's not what God intended for time with Him. He wants people who are willing to take the book off the shelf and truly dive into what he wants you to see and comprehend. Start small, five to ten minutes a day. Pretty soon, you will be able to see God doing things in your life because you are reading his words for you and for me. No more dusty bookshelves with dusty bibles. Its time to blow off the dirt and begin reading God's word with a new revelation and a new passion to grow in your walk with Him.

Adam Semple- A Young Man on A Mission From God

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