Friday, June 12, 2015

Here I am, Use Me

Hello, My name is Adam Semple. It has been on my heart for a few months to start a blog, but I haven't had the time to do so. So let me just start with a little info about my self. I am the middle child of 6 kids. I have 2 older brothers, 2 younger brothers and a little sister. I was raised in a Godly home and have always believed from a young age that God is the only one that can save, and Jesus Christ was sent to save our world that is so lost and broken. When I get in the right crowds, I can be a very outgoing, unexpected, "what just happened" kind of person. It was never easy for me to introduce myself to new people and I preferred to stay to myself. I have always felt a call of some from God of some kind on my life, but never knew what it was or what it involved. this past year, I was apart of a school of missions and evangelism called Missio Dei. Missio Dei is a Latin term that means the mission of God. Basically it means that from Genesis to Revelation, God has been trying to bring his people back to him. In Genesis 3, man sins and is banished from God's paradise. Immediately following, God sets a plan in motion that will draw his children back to the Father. Throughout all of scripture, God raises up individuals that have been called according to his purpose,no matter the background or family history, God used anybody, and everybody that answered the call. it did not matter if they were young or old, rich or poor, or strong or weak. It did not matter if they had messed up at some point in their lives. God called them, and they answered. if we look back through the Bible, we see that the people most commonly used by God, were not the ones raised in the Godly home, or who studied the scriptures without hesitation. He used the individuals who were murders, adulterers, liars and thieves. So what is stopping us? Why do we as Christians hesitate when it comes to sharing the things God has put into us? In Jeremiah 1:6-8, Jeremiah doesn't believe he could be called because "I am just a youth", Samuel the prophet was called at age 8. Sometimes we feel too young or insecure when God says go. We don't feel adequately prepared to do what God planned for us. Whether we are young in our faith, or have been saved as long as we can remember, God can and will use you if you say,' Here I am God, Send me'- Isaiah 6:8. Moses had a speech problem, yet God use him to free the people of Israel out of bondage from the Egyptians. David was an adulterer and a murderer, yet he wrote most of the book of Psalms, a book of pure adoration to God. Sometimes people, myself included, believe we can't be used because we don't know the scriptures like some of the people around us, or we are not good at public speaking. You could know 5 scriptures, or 500, but that doesn't exclude you from the will of God. God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called. Sometimes, we just have to take that leap of faith and declare, 'Use me God.'

This past year, God has really shown me what it is to be a light and to share his good news with the people around me. To be honest, it stills scares me, but I know that through God, nothing is impossible. It says in 2 Timothy 2:7 that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and a sound mind. God knows this life will not be easy, but the thing is, he has not called us to an easy comfortable life. He has called us into places that are put in our paths to stretch us out of our little box, out of our own little world, and put us right in the middle of a dark world. God wants to use all of us, and in order to be used, we do not have to be perfect or completely prepared, we just have to be willing. How would the world change if the Christians of this nation stood up against he enemy and with a bold step of faith, commanded the devil to back off, for these people belong to the Lord.

Satan, a generation is rising up to take back what you have stolen. Families will be mended in the Father, pasts will be lost and forgotten, pain will be no more. I know that right now, God has called me to be a light to my community, a hope to a world that has none, a comfort to a world of hurt. Who's with me? Who is ready to say " Here I am God, Let your will be Done!" I am tired of the devil having authority over stolen property and I want God to use me to take back what was lost in the Garden all those years ago. Who else?

Adam Semple- a young man on a mission from God.

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