Friday, March 11, 2016

Follow Christ, Not Yourself

"All to Jesus I surrender; all to him I freely give; I will ever love and trust him, in his presence daily live. I surrender all, I surrender all, all to thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all. 

All to Jesus I surrender; humbly at his feet I bow, worldly pleasures all forsaken; take me, Jesus, take me now. 

All to Jesus I surrender; make me, Savior, wholly thine; fill me with thy love and power; truly know that thou art mine. 
All to Jesus I surrender; Lord, I give myself to thee; fill me with thy love and power; let thy blessing fall on me."- All to Jesus I Surrender- Hillsong

To surrender means to raise the white flag, throw in the towel, put down your weapons. It is the giving up of yourselves into the hands of another. In many cases, surrendering is done as an attempt at saving lives.When a general lays down his arms and goes into the enemy camp, he wants peace and freedom for his men, even if it means he loses that same freedom in order to get it. You could, in a sense, say that Jesus surrendered himself for us when he willingly went to the cross. He knew that without his sacrifice, we could never return to the father. Sin, our eternal enemy, attacked us on all sides, and would have eventually won out on top. So Jesus did the one thing that could hopefully save us all. He took our place. "Its me you want Satan. Let my people go, and you can have me. Unfortunately for you, I will still crush your head under my heel in the end". This act of surrender leads us up to the largest cell break in human history. People from centuries earlier were set free from the bondage of hell and brought back to the kingdom, and the door was made open to millions of people who accepted his gift. 

God wants us to lay down our lives in the same manner and surrender ourselves to him. In says in Luke 9:23 that if an man is to follow Christ, he is to deny himself, pick up his cross and follow him. This is pretty straightforward. If you want to follow Christ, stop following yourself. As long as a general thinks only of himself, his army will be destroyed and many lives taken. Only when the general surrenders himself do lives get saved and men returned to their families.   

If you are constantly following your own desires, you will end up like Winnie the Pooh seeing a set of footprints in the snow, that were his to begin with, and assuming they were placed there by someone else. Until we look to God, those footprints will continue to circle the same mountain and we will never move forward. It is only after we surrender to God's will that the path is made straight and we can clearly see who is leading the pack. Surrender your heart and your feet will follow down the path they need to go.

God is waiting for us to surrender completely to his will. To those of you who have, congratulations, you can see your walk and the one leading it. And to those who have not fully surrendered, it is time to do that now. Give him your all, the good the bad and the ugly. He can handle everything we give him even when it does not look pretty to the eyes. Take a leap with me and surrender your heart to the guide who is waiting to lead you down your set path.

Adam Semple- a young man on a mission from God

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