Saturday, August 19, 2017

Got Milk?

You have probably seen it a time or two in movies. Every morning, the man in the white attire will come in his truck, drop off a gallon or small case and head on to the next house. I am referring to, of course, old fashioned milk delivery. With more and more grocery stores popping up all over the place selling more and more brands of milk, home delivery has become a thing of the past, unless you live in Southern California where it does still happen in remote areas, (or so I have read anyway). Though not as popular as plastic bottles, some companies are still using glass bottles to send there product. Working at a grocery store in the dairy department, I have noticed some things about these bottles. Usually, we will get a small shipment to come in once a week, maybe 30 bottles at a time. These bottles tend to run a little higher in price because of their container, and for this reason, people are more likely to grab the bigger container mainly because they are cheaper. 9 times out of 10, these bottles end up being marked down and scanned out because we have gone another week where it seems not a single bottle moved from the shelf. Being in the backroom of the department, I know something not a lot of people realize when it comes to buying milk. You can bring these bottles back and get some money for the container, a deposit that is included in the selling cost. So even though, you may pay $4 for a quart of milk, if you return the bottle, you can get almost half of that back. You may be wondering, "What does glass milk have to do with anything?" Let me explain. I can't help but think about Christ when thinking of these jars of cow product bottled for our enjoyment. Wait, what? How does milk and Jesus come into the same thought process? Well, back in the old days of Bible time, the name of Jesus was shared by the apostles to anyone who would hear and even to those who would not. But, just like glass milk, over time it became so commonplace that people stopped going door to door to delivery the good news because you could go to any church in any part of the country and "get Jesus". Unfortunately, not everyone comes to the store every week to get what they need, so the glass bottles of milk just stay on the shelf. When people come into the store know as church, they come in contact with the greatest tasting milk they have ever had. This is something else I have noticed about milk. The ones that come in glass taste way better those that come in plastic. If people took the time and payed a little more for their milk, they would not go back to plastic, because they have tasted the best and don't care for the rest. They don't consider that the higher cost, coming to church, accepting Christ, and living the Christian life, are worth it in the end because when they go for higher quality, the cost doesn't matter. When we accept Christ into our hearts, he makes a deposit in our hearts, almost like a seal of approval. Once Christ becomes Lord of our life, our name is deposited into the Lamb's book of Life. Then, when our life is over, we will be returned to the Father in heaven to live with him in eternity forever. One thing about the deposit, though, is the fact that if you don't bring back the empty bottle, it serves you no good. Only when you bring it back can you get refilled and continue drinking the Living water of God. Salvation is not a one time purchase that guarantees acceptance into Heaven, but it is a constant outpouring of God's grace and refilling of his mercy and love. It's time to get back to real and never go back to fake. I need more of stuff that may cost more now, because in the end it will all be worth it.

Adam Semple- A Young Man on a Mission From God  

*photo credit- 

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