Saturday, March 18, 2017

Lame man walkin'

"Silver or gold, I do not have. But what I do have I give to you, In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk"- Acts 3:6

If you have spent any time in church, you have heard this story several times. If not, here is the context. The disciples have just spent 40 days following the resurrection of Jesus praying and fasting in the upper room. The Holy Spirit comes upon the believers gathered and 3000+ people are added to the church. Peter and John go up to the temple to pray and they pass a lame man who is begging at the gate for help and or money. Peter says to the man, "Look at us". The man gives his full attention, hoping they were giving him something. "Silver and gold, I do not have. But what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." Peter then takes the man by the hand, pulls him up, and the man is able to walk and leap and run. He began running through the temple square praising God for the miracle that just took place. Te bible says that the people around him recognized him as the lame beggar, and they were filled with wonder and amazement.

We, to, have this gift. The power to come up to someone in need of healing and, in the name of Jesus, they can be healed. But we have to believe that it will happen, or it is just empty words. Peter spoke these words with confidence because he knew when he stepped out and grabbed hold of the man's hand, God would swoop in and amazing things would happen. But let us back up a little bit. This Peter was the same guy who denied even knowing Jesus just a few months prior, but then he had a radical transformation that completely shifted how he saw the world. He knew that he had become empowered by God's Holy Spirit, and when he walked in faith, God would show up. We need to get back to that place of complete surrender of ourselves in order to let God move where he desires to reveal his glory. The Holy Spirit is an Amazing guide and counselor who is waiting for us to call on him when someone around us needs him. Call on the Spirit of God, and things will begin to change and shift in our lives and the lives of those we come in contact with.

Adam Semple- A Young Man On A Mission From God

*photo credit-

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